Standards of Behavior
We want to ensure that all students participating in the enrichment programs not only enjoy the experience but also feel safe and secure. In order for this to happen, it is expected that all students will conform to regular classroom and school rules and regulations while attending a program.
Certain behaviors will not be tolerated, including, but are not limited to: consistent disruption in class; any inappropriate physical contact (i.e. hitting, kicking); blatant disrespect toward the Instructor or other students; a refusal to listen to instructions; the use of inappropriate language; and/or destruction of property.
We will generally use a three (3) warning process though each situation is carefully evaluated. We will do our best to offer support for children to help with their success in our programs and will look to all parents to support our program providers so that all children can enjoy these opportunities.
Please note: any incidents of bullying including, but not limited to: name calling, assault of any kind, verbal and nonverbal threats, throwing objects, cornering other students and/or intimidating behaviors, taunting, discriminatory statements or behavior, or exclusion from activities may result in the first and only warning.
If removal from programs is necessary, the school will be informed of this decision. Baroody Camps will not offer any partial refunds in these situations. Enforcement of this policy is at the discretion of Baroody Camps and their partners.